This page is of full sized photos and some sample text specifically for Barcroft:
Further information, construction photos and technical
information is available here
(WorldsBrightestBikecopy) on a page that has pictures but is not linked
to my site.
My public page
(WorldsBrightestBike) is a identical (but has photos removed).
I can
provide higher res copies for all the pictures on these pages.
I am available for interviews 24 hours on
+61 418 939 886
or +61 8 9795 6097. I usually work up after midnight so late here is
Xmas tree
Sample text 1: Topic Xmas, World's brightest bike
Meet Dr Peter Terren from Bunbury, Australia. A
mild mannered medical specialist by day, by night he becomes an eccentric
physics boffin. His high voltage antics and particularly his unusual
electrical Christmas trees have been seen in media around the globe. This
year he has turned down the voltage but turned up the brightness. His latest
creation, he claims, is the World's most powerful bicycle lights. At around
the same brightness as 10 standard car headlights, it is far too bright to
be allowed on the road. Peter explains that he has used the latest modern
light emitting diode technology. These LEDs are a huge 100 watts each and he
uses 18 of them, each with it's own cooling fan. The resulting 100,000
lumens of light power is many times more powerful than any other bike light
and is being considered by Guinness World Records. Put another way, it
is like having 5000 small LED flashlights on your bike. But hey, there's
more! Peter has included coloured LEDs to enable any combination of colours
from the front or rear lights.
It seems like it has attracted a jolly
visitor in a red suit from up North to take it for a spin.
Sample text 2: Topic Xmas, World's brightest bike
Well, we thought we'd seen it
all but this is just bizarre. Dr Peter Terren is normally better known for
his dazzing high voltage electricity displays shown around the world. He's
even made some dramatic Christmas trees with lighning like sparks. But, this
year he decided to put a Christmas tree on a bicycle. However this is no
ordinary bike. This one has a lighting system on steroids. It is far
too bright to go on roads and is about 10 times the brightness of your
average family car's high beam. He does this with the latest light emitting
diode technology - we know them as LEDs. These ones are huge and 18 of them
draw 1800 watts. Peter says the massive current draw means battery
life is not good. Three deep cycle industrial batteries last about 10
minutes. I usually keep a spare clipped to my belt he quips. (at 33kg we
think that sounds unlikely).
Calculations show that these bike lights
would be able to be seen from space with the same intensity as a bright
star. "I would love to send some morse code to the International Space
So, why make something like this? Peter say he likes to
push the boundaries and this project fitted in with his electrical
experience and capabilities as the new technology became available. He also
rides a bike at night which gave him inspiration. "I have had kangaroos jump
out in front of me so this gives me the upper hand".
Peter has applied
to Guinness World Records for this super bike light.
In the
meantime he is letting a few people have a ride, like this jolly fellow in a
red suit who dropped in.
Sample text 3: Topic World's brightest flashlight.
Ever had to scrabble around to find a flashlight when the power goes off?
Well, wacky Australian tinkerer, Dr Peter Terren has an answer for this. He
has built what he claims is the world's most powerful flashlight. He
explains that he used 15 massive light emitting diodes or LEDs. These are
the same ones that you know as little coloured lights on electronic
equipment. But the big ones the Peter uses are also used as streetlights and
each one has a solid cooling fan. And he has 15 of them. This makes up
90,000 lumens and for comparison, a little LED torch is only 20 lumens. All
this power requires some 30 kg of batteries and only lasts 10 minutes at
2,000 watts which could supply a whole household of lights. So how
useful is it? Peter admits that at 57 kg it's not something you carry
around in your pocket. So how bright is it. It is powerful enough to be seen by the International
Space Station 300 km high about as bright as Jupiter.
Peter has applied to Guinness World Records for
recognition for his super flashlight.
(The first
emphasises colour and the second, the brightness of the lights.)
Santa approves but thinks it might be a bit much for a Christmas stocking.
Santa says: " All well and good but where do I attach the reindeer?".
Peter's 2009 high voltage Christmas tree using a Tesla coil
The 2007 high voltage Christmas tree using a Tesla coil was also a hit.
The rear lights light up the tree.

This test tree looks like a beetle!

Car park hoons.
Santa leaves after a brief stop at the local conveniences.
explains the multiple colours of his lighting system.


Red stoplights mean stop.
Green stoplights mean .....
Pick a color, any color.

Under the bonnet.

Some people carry their lunch. 
Big and little switches.
That's my "Townie" 

Spotlighting for creatures in the park
Forcefield On. Set to to "stun".
Flashlight - still need better shot showing beam while handheld against
white backdrop.
It lives....
..and it has colours.
Far brighter than a standard car high beam.
Comparing ants with elephants. 
Lighting a lighthouse for Christmas. 

Yes you can lift it. It's only 57kg after all.

It looks like a tiny torch after all. 
That Aussie flag needs to be lit up.